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Bi-Annual Webpage Review Process

Please review the entire page(s) assigned to you (unless otherwise notified) for authenticity.

  • This will normally include primary copy, disclaimers, rates, payment examples, compliance/regulation details, etc.

Complete all of the requested information on the Website Bi-Annual Review Form below.

  • Please submit a new form for each page/URL that you are assigned (do not respond to multiple pages/URLs on one form).

If there are updates that are required to the webpage that go beyond a straightforward and minor change (i.e., a singular word change or typo), please upload a Word document that clearly outlines the requested updates, as follows:

  • Go to the webpage on that requires the change

  • Copy and paste the page’s current content onto a Word document.

  • Use highlights, track changes, notations, etc., to clearly indicate the changes (click here for a hypothetical example)

  • Save your Word document with the changes clearly indicated to your local drive

  • On the form below select “Attach File” and upload your Word document containing the changes. (You can attach up to 3 files.)

Please make sure that the approval or changes you are authorizing are accurate and then submit.

After you submit the form you will receive a copy of your submission by email that will confirm its receipt.

Marketing will review the submission and may ask you for additional input and, if necessary, resubmission of this form.

Once your submission has been handled, Marketing will send an email asking you to review and provide final approval of the changes via email confirmation.

Note: Any NIHFCU Director or above can submit website change requests for their department. Change requests from those below the Director level will not be accepted unless Marketing is provided with direct written consent from the Department head authorizing an alternative designee.


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Website Bi-Annual Review Form