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Track Your Finances with NIHFCU’s Account Alerts

Stay on top of your finances with personalized alerts from NIHFCU that you control. You can choose to receive the account information that is most important to you by email, text*, or push notification. We offer over 20 alerts to choose from, including;

  • New withdrawal or deposit notifications

  • Changes in account balance

  • Insufficient funds alerts

  • Payment due notifications

  • Check cleared notifications

  • Returned check alerts

  • Account transfer notifications

Get started with account alerts by logging into online banking or in the NIHFCU Mobile app.

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How to set up Account Alerts

You can set up alerts in online banking or on our mobile app.

Watch our video to see how easy it is to do so right from your phone while you are on the go!

NIHFCU cardholders have access to even more customizable alerts for their credit and debit accounts. Learn more here! 

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Account Alerts Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Account Alerts are Available?

NIHFCU’s account alerts notify you of a wide range of important account activity and transactions. When you sign up for alerts, you can select which type you would like to receive, and the criteria that will trigger an alert. You can view all available alert types by logging into online banking or our mobile app. Important security alerts, such as changes to your personal information, are automatically enabled and can’t be turned off, but you can choose how you receive these critical alerts


Can I receive text alerts from NIHFCU to my mobile phone number?

Yes, you can choose to have NIHFCU send alerts to your mobile phone via text message. You can also choose to have alerts sent to your email address as well.


How can I set up NIHFCU Account Alerts?

On Desktop: In online banking, Select “Manage Accounts” and then “Account Alerts”.  Then follow the on-screen commands to choose the account and the alerts you wish to set up.

On the Mobile app: Select “more” from the bottom navigation. Then tap “Manage Accounts” and then “Account Alerts” Then follow the on-screen commands to choose the account and the alerts you wish to set up.

Can I stop or change my alert selections?

Yes, you can stop or change your account alert settings at any time. Follow the same set-up instructions above to access the service and make your updates.

Can I set up alerts for my NIHFCU credit and debit card?

Yes, but to do so, please go to Card Alerts & Controls in online banking or our mobile app. Here, you will find a wide range of options to manage your card accounts.

Rates, fees and terms as of January 13, 2025 and subject to change without notice

*Message and data charges from your wireless carrier and text messaging fees may apply.

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